Planned Maintenance System – Features

Maintenance activities are managed through an organizational structure with various levels of operation, such as departments, divisions, sections, etc. They are planned for each level of operation, 3 hp 182TC motor pondering the other activities of the organization. The execution of the maintenance tasks is a general responsibility, with each individual being responsible for the performance of the task assigned to him.

The activities of each level of operation of the system are controlled in order to guarantee the feedback of the information, and the operation of the SMP is based on the existence of the following documentation requirements: test equipment and tooling, spares and personnel qualification.

A SMP does not come into operation by itself, nor does it cause automatic results and is indispensable to the existence, at all levels of operation of the system, of a positive mental attitude, of belief and confidence in the efficiency of the SMP, which must be able to admit the immediate start of corrective maintenance activities when the damage is identified during the execution of preventive maintenance routines. It is mandatory for a SMP to have elements for a successive evaluation of the efficiency of the system and of the instruments for its improvement.

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